Sunday, May 17, 2020

Essay about Do Beauty Pageants Do More Harm Than Good For...

Do Beauty Pageants Do More Harm Than Good For Children? The lights are all on you, the make-up, the hair, and the extravagant dresses. Your blood pumps with adrenaline; you feel nervous, yet excited. All eyes are on you; the pretty girl strutting across the stage in ostentatious costumes that flicker once caught in the light. Many people have witnessed a beauty pageant whether it is one on television or stage. Not many are in denial of the lovability of the younger aged children executing their talents in front of crowds. Beauty pageants have been around since the 1920’s setting a trend in the American society, but the history of beauty pageants began in Troy and Ancient China, where the contestants consisted of sculptors, actors, poets,†¦show more content†¦The lifestyle of these children develops into an abnormal one. It is full of competitiveness, jealousy, stress and negative self-evaluation. Some beauty pageants that emerged as a strong marketing and advertising tool developed into political, educational and entertaining events. When small children are encouraged to participate in such pageants, they start developing a self-image, and work hard to manage with it. They start planning their diets to have picture-perfect faces and bodies. This makes them avoid certain food products at such a tender age when it is very important to have healthy eating habits for the proper development of the body and the brain. This not only has shot-term consequences but long-term effects. These children are at a higher risk of developing eating disorders because the idea of a perfect body becomes an obsession with them. Secondly, they remain weak physically and are more prone to diseases as their body could never become healthy enough to develop a strong immunity system. Eating disorders like Anorexia Nervosa and Bulimia Nervosa are commonly found in these children. In many of the case, these take on such a severe form that psychotic intervention is required to normalize the situation. Apart from the physical and eating disorders, the beauty pageants have an erosive effect on theShow MoreRelatedBeauty Pageants : Changing The Face Of Pageants Essay1649 Words   |  7 PagesRunning Head: Beauty Pageants Changing the Face of Pageants Bonnie Arnold CM220 Kaplan University Oct. 18, 2016 Beauty Pageants Changing the Face of pageants â€Å"Recently France deemed child beauty pageants as illegal and punishable by up to two years in prison. The most popular plastic surgery among these beauty pageant children is the surgical placement of breast implants. Six percent of these girls suffer long term depression with nine of ten of these girls having suicidalRead MoreBeauty Pageants Are Not Healthy For Children1663 Words   |  7 Pages Every little girl dreams of becoming a princess. With today s society, children are becoming them at a younger and younger age. 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But, the real question is â€Å"Do child beauty pageants harm kids in the long run?† What comes to mind when the words â€Å"child beauty pageants† are spoken? What some people think about themRead MorePositives And Positives Of Beauty Pageants Essay1489 Words   |  6 Pagesenjoy watching their children participate in extracurricular activities and those lists of activities include beauty pageants. But do you think they would still allow their kids to compete in them if they knew that there was a possibility of long lasting negative effects on them. These children are being taught to idolize physical beauty and they have become obsessed with their appearance; which can harm a child’s views of body image and s elf -worth. Through these pageants, you are teaching andRead MoreChild Beauty Pageants1151 Words   |  5 Pagesyear of the American beauty pageant. This was a groundbreaking year, as women from all over the United States were given the opportunity to show their talent, outer beauty and inner intelligence. Little did our country know, that 40 years later, children as young as 10 months old would be competing in beauty pageants. 1960 marked the first child beauty pageant in America and started a major American trend. Since the tragic death of JonBenet Ramsey in 1996, child beauty pageants have been a hot topic

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